This was a response to some tit making a, “How's that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?” comment months ago on Facebook.
I wrote fresh preamble to it, but it was turning into more of a pre-ramble so I'll save it for tomorrow.
Thanks to Heidi Mastrogiovanni for the inspiration.
(This was before the excesses of fascism were known and many still admired him.) Wall Street's Robert Clark vowed that he would spend half his $60 million fortune to save the other half. Luckily the man they approached to head the coup, General Smedley Butler, played along only to expose the plot to Congress. Now Rupert Murdoch is succeeding where the 1933 plotters failed.
To protect the interests of very wealthy people he has built a media powerhouse that not only muddies any real argument and labels anything resembling truth as "typical liberal bias" but has also managed to convince thousands of Americans (sorry, mostly white) that it would be in their interest to vote Republican and stop taxes from going to immigrants and other freeloaders.
I'm just an actor and history buff and can't really work all of this out but when I need to defer on the Constitution, I choose those "elitists" like Robert Reich, Bill Moyers, and president of the Harvard Law Review and U.S. President, Barack "Hussein" Obama.
You can stick with Glenn Beck and Roger Ailes.
The Founding Fathers where all about hope and change.
I stand by them.
I stand with the man who told us not to fear fear.
I stand with the audacious one in office now.
You can stand by the conservatism of the Tories.
You can stand with the fascists of the 30's.
You can stand with the fear peddlers of Fox.
You can also stand by a daft bint who thinks Adam and Eve rode to school on a dinosaur and an inarticulate fundamentalist delinquent from Connecticut with a pathologically assumed Texas accent who took H. Hoover off the hook by paddling the Nation and the world further up shit creek than Hoover could have imagined.
Just be advised your views aren't new, original, or even necessarily yours.