Sunday, September 26, 2010

Canadian, the new N word.

That's right, Canadian.
A friend and I were discussing all the different substitute's we had heard for the N- word (which already makes me feel like I'm using baby talk when having an important sex talk."The man put's his pee pee in the woman's twinkle!"-Yes I actually heard a woman use twinkle for vagina.)
Anyway my friend said that Canadian was used when honking (Honkying?) on (a lot of Fox "News" watchers where he used to work. Am I making a sweeping generalization about Right wingers? Yes. Yes I am.)
But, to my point. I have one you know!
I had an argument with a simpleton about the use of words. She insisted some words are never to be used by anyone. Ever!
Not her call. I say use any word any time. Just have your heart straight or take the consequences.
Richard Pryor made me laugh and think with it. "Dr." Laura got her miserable ass fired with it. Win-Win.
Jimmy the Greek showed his appalling ignorance without even using it.
Mel Brook's, "Can't you see that man is a ni..." and "I said the sheriff is a ni-(dong!)", plays with the word and the inappropriateness of it brilliantly. As we should have learned from the Shirley Sherrod fiasco, context is everything.

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