Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vissi d'arte

I had a great experience working with a commercial director.
Working as a day player I am expected to fulfill a small task with little direction or rehearsal. Big stars can show up not knowing lines and do a shit load of takes. I get one or two. And frankly that's all that should be needed.
Well how fun it was when I worked on a commercial and did the lines as intended once (maybe?) and spent the rest of the time on improv. When someone says you are a creative guy, have at it! It's a real treat. The only other times I've been lucky enough to do this has been in theater and Tom DicCillo let me go nuts on Law & Order (little of it was used) but still, the guy's terrific.
Most of the film and TV we consume has become like the food we consume. "Cheese" wrapped in plastic, market tested, cheaply made by non cheese makers.
It's on the shelf, I guess it's food.
Now as I deal with the consequences of years of cramming any old junk in me gob, I'm trying to think about EVERYTHING I consume.
Is it fresh, good for me, made by an artisan, and most importantly, soul sustaining.
Don't get me wrong, I'll probably eat and watch some processed junk today, but feel empty and bereft of spirit for doing so.
I also hope to get work that pays well but leaves me unsated.
But I feel inspired to try to be a collaborative story teller and make something with love that will stick to the ribs.
Lately, I've been dazzled by Auto tune the News. It's funny, original, great commentary, and as music better than any of the Olive Garden shit on American Idol. All done by people with a strong urge to create something wholly new.
It fed me and makes me want to cook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally...a blog who's not afraid to say what we are all thinking. great job!