Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hi I'm a lazy welfare cheat and I want to "WIN BEN STEIN'S MONEY!"

Ben Stein was out talking about how Obama want's to "punish him" by raising his "TAXES!"

Two important things to remember.

Firstly: Bandying about the word "TAXES!" is a hot button.
    The Republicans know this and have linked "TAXES!" not only to the Democrats but also social programs unpopular with the GOP and further criminalized "TAXES!" with the the stain of "lazy brown and/or Spanish speaking people. 
This is called *N word baiting and has been used by those with the means to distract the general public since day one.
* insert Irish, Jew, or whatever ethnicity was the goat in that era.

I pay "TAXES!" no matter who is in office and I bet you do too! 
Eight years prior to Obama's inauguration we had a record surplus. The subsequent loss of that surplus and then record deficit wasn't done by welfare moms driving Cadillacs nor Obama in some sort of psychic violation of the space time continuum. 
 It was pissed away by a government led by a Republican president, controlled by that "fiscally conservative" Republican majority, and enabled by a wussy Democratic minority.

The second thing: Ben Stein is fulfilling his duties as a republican shill AND LYING. 
The man worked for Richard Milhous (Ben Stein wrote these lies for me) Nixon for the love of Cheebus!
I suspect If you subjected him to an independent audit after said laws were passed, he'd still be rich. (He's made enough money to dodge "TAXES!" with greater ease than you or I.) His income only reduced because of the network's, "No ugly old people" policy and dwindling Bueller residuals.   

If a Republican wanted my vote, he'd guarantee he would close all tax loops and everyone would pay a fixed flat tax. 
Yes even that non tax paying criminal Rupert Murdoch. (If that doesn't make you mad but seeing someone using food stamps does you are not only bad at math, you are an idiot.)

We both know that kind of tax reform ain't going to happen. 
They'll continue to hit the "Tax panic button", 
Play pin the goat tail on the beaner, 
and laugh when you pull the big R lever in November because-
a. It won't help you a bit.
b. It probably will hurt you. 
c. You don't even own a yacht you silly working class person.

1 comment:

margarb said...

Cheebus <3s you